Andrew and Rhonda would like to welcome you to Shall We Dance.
Happily married for over 40 years we often found ourselves first on the dance floor for any given function. We used to whirl around the dance floor doing our own thing which is fine but limited us to the few things that we knew how to do. Some time ago we realised that running a farm and a B&B and working full time were taking their toll and we no longer had time for socializing or recreation. Our daughter persuaded us to take one night a week for ourselves and join a dance class that she had found. Pretty soon we were enjoying it so much that we were dancing 4-5 nights a week.
Ballroom dancing opened new doors to great nights out, meeting new people and an avenue of stress release from our very hectic lives.
We wanted to share this and thought that a great way to start would be with the guests who stay at our B&B. After a short time we were learning how to break down the steps and how to teach them to others. We started by including dance lessons with accommodation packages and had such and excellent response that we converted our recreation room into a ballroom and started conducting dance classes during the week. The added bonus is that now we can enjoy a dance with each other in an excellent facility whenever we want and we would like to share this opportunity with you.
Located just 15 minutes (10km) from Gawler (≈40km north of Adelaide) on our private property we conduct dancing classes 2 days a week for students from beginners to advanced. Rather than teaching set dances or routines, we teach our students how to dance and how to build up a repertoire of steps that enable them to feel confident and have fun on the dance floor.
We would love for you to give us a call or message us so that we can help you on your way to enjoying the magic of dancing.